who we are

we are amazing and really...that's all you need to know.
Darrell Wilson Portrait

darrell wilson

Darrell Wilson is the principal of Wilson Capital Inc. and has been in the financial services industry for 38 years, ten of those in management with one of Canada’s largest life insurance brokerage firms.
Wilson Capital was formed in 1997 to specialize in estate and tax planning for mature age, high net worth clients, focusing on the use of various life insurance based structures.
The firm works with accounting, actuarial, and legal advisors to craft solutions to estate tax, intergenerational asset transfer, and estate equalization issues for successful Canadians across Canada.
Mr. Wilson has served on the board of the Alberta Insurance Council, is past Chair of the Edmonton Police Foundation, and a former director of several private companies. He is also a member of the Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting, the Canadian Tax Foundation, and ADVOCIS.